Girls Group

We will focus on relationships; both family and social. We will discuss goals and how to reach them. And we will offer support for the girls’ experience a she grows into a successful, young woman. This group was founded two years ago and has remained a soft place to land for current and past members.

Jedi Training

This is a six week group focusing on quieting the body to help quiet the mind. Participants are ages 5-8. They learn mindfulness and yoga techniques along with learning to recognize anxious feelings and where they come from.

The Super Friends

A six week group for children who need a little help with social skills. This group focuses on exploring what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend. Using games and activities the participants learn new skills and have a lot of fun.

Transitioning Teens

A support group for teens who are transitioning or are gender non-conforming. This group celebrates differences, recognizes sameness and challenges assumptions about feelings about gender.

Parents of Kids in Transition

This group offers support for parents who have kids who are in transition or are gender non-conforming. There will be psychoeducation about transitioning. We will also explore feelings of fear, anger and sadness. And all the other confusing stuff that comes with being a parent of a kid in transition.

Tell Me Your Story

This six week group will focus on the perception each member has about themselves and the world around them. Using art, collage, letter writing and book making, they will learn about their own strengths and what makes them unique. At the end of the six weeks each girl will take home a book that they’ve created that tells their story. Call for more information on any of these groups. There are waiting lists for some and others are open currently.